Drop-in surgery Heathrow Villages SNT – Harlington Co-op 16 October 5.00 pm

Dear Villagers

Local policing is carried out on a day to day basis by the Heathrow Villages Safer Neighbourhood Team – Heathrow Villages SNT. Come and meet you local SNT team tonight at Harlington High Street – CO-OP stores. This stall starts at 17:00pm – 18:00pm.

Kind Regards 


Neighbourhood Watch update

Neighbourhood_watch.JPGPlease see information for Harmondsworth Residents, particularly residents in Hatch Lane and Zealand Close. Please ensure your neighbours, not on e-mail, are made aware and if you have any information which could be of assistance please contact your Heathrow Villages Safer Neighbourhood Team. Contact details below.

 Dear Resident

Unfortunately there has been an attempted garage burglary on Hatch Lane which took place on the 7th of October 2014 between 2045 – 2055 hours. Also Zealand Avenue have had a residential burglary where entry was gained through the front door on the 3rd of October 2014 between 1730 – 2330 hours, if any one has information please pass on our number.  
Lindsey Prior
PCSO 7160 XH
Safer Neighbourhood Team 
Heathrow Villages
Metropolitan Police Hillingdon
( Phone:          07917013238 / 0203761265
( Metphone:    711265
2 Fax:              02032761266
:  E-mail:          Lindsey.j.prior@met.pnn.police.uk
+ Mail:             HEATHROW POLICE Station, POLAR PARK SNT, UB7 0DG

Your Local Police – Message from New Inspector

Dear Villagers we have been asked to pass this message from Inspector Dave George who has recently taken over as the senior police officer in charge of community policing teams for West Drayton, Pinkwell, Heathrow Villages and Yiewsley wards.

Neighbourhood_watch.JPGDear Resident and Community member

Hello; My name is Inspector Dave George and I have recently taken over as the senior police officer in charge of community policing teams for West Drayton, Pinkwell, Heathrow Villages and Yiewsley wards. I’d like to introduce myself to you. It is very important to me that I spend as much time as I can with my officers working to drive down crime and improve the quality of life for the local community. Recently we have seen some significant crime reductions in the key crime groups.

As a borough, key crimes such as Burglary & Robbery are down on last years levels.

For example, Burglary is down 30.4%, Robbery is down 44.2%, Theft OF a motor vehicle down 23.5%, Theft from a Motor vehicle 26% down . These are superb reductions of serious crimes in our community but we cannot be complacement and I fully understand that any victim of these crimes is one too many and leaves a victim in its wake.

I therefore intend to email you on a regular basis to inform you all about the work YOUR community officers are carrying out to continue to drive down Crime and Anti Social behaviour in your area. These emails will inform you of some of the great work and results we have in our battles against crime and also seek your assistance for Information and bring you the latest updates on crime trends and crime prevention news.

In the last month community officers from the South Neighbourhood policing team have made arrests of people in your area for a range of serious offences including Fraud and Theft. Last week ,following a serious incident in a local park where a dog became dangerously out of control, local community officers have launched an investigation, have seized the dog in question and have arrested the owner. This investigation is till currently ongoing.

Following another investigation by your local community officers a male was sentenced to four years imprisonment following a trial at Isleworth Crown court for supplying Class a drugs at the detention centres on the A4. This male attempted to take drugs into the centre and following a painstaking investigation the offender was found guilty and is now behind bars.

Our engagement activity takes place daily and in the past few days one of the local officers attended a local primary school and gave a Crime Prevention message to the pupils and carried out security marking of the pupils expensive personal belongings. On Saturday 04th October 2014 between 10am – 12pm PC RADETTE and PCSO WALSH held a Crime Prevention Surgery at Yiewsley Library. The surgery is held on a monthly basis and it gives the residents of Yiewsley a chance to speak to police face to face. Please come and along and meet the officers if you are passing by.

These are just some examples of some of the good work your officers are carrying out to drive down crime in the area. However I would remind everybody to remain vigilant and report any incidents that concern you. In an emergency call 999. If non emergency but you need to report an incident or crime then the number is 101. The four community teams have mobile phones when their on duty and these numbers are listed below for you.

Heathrow Villages Ward – 0208 721 2557
Yiewsley Ward – 0208 721 2713
Pinkwell Ward – 0208 721 2556
West Drayton Ward – 0208 721 2018

Finally, I would encourage all of you to please forward this email onto any local residents, business members of friends living or working in the area. If these contacts that you are aware of wish to receive regular email contacts from the police then I would encourage people to complete the attached form below and return it to me by email and I will ensure they are added to my database of community contacts . I would also encourage those on Twitter to follow us @MPSHillingdon where we circulate regular timely updates on local matters.

I look forward to meeting with as many of you as I can over the coming months and years and encourage you to approach me or my officers when you see them patrolling your area.

Inspector David George
South Sector NPT , Licensing & ASB Lead

Hillingdon Borough Police

C/o 1 Warwick Place, Uxbridge ,Middlesex, UB8 1PG
Email: David.B.George@met.police.uk

Crime Statistics for Heathrow Villages

Dear All

Here is a brief summary of the crime statistics in Heathrow Villages since May 2014. Please see http://www.police.uk/metropolitan/00AS03N/ for a full detailed analysis. Overall crime has reduced from the previous month, however it is still not as low as May 2014. If you would like to discuss any policing issues on your street please don’t hesitate to contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team or your local Councillors.

  May 2014

June 2014

July 2014

All Crime




Anti-social behaviour




Bicycle Theft








Criminal damage and arson








Other Crime




Other Theft




Possesion of Weapon




Public Order












Theft from Person




Vehicle Crime




Violence and Sexual Offences





Contact information for your local Policing team

Police Station: Heathrow Villages Safer Neighbourhoods Team, Polar Park, Bath Road, West Drayton UB7 0DG

Mobile: 07917 013238

Email: Heathrowvillages.snt@met.police.uk

Phone: 020 8721 2557



Cllrs’ Money, Nelson & Khatra

Neighbourhood Watch – Harmondsworth Village

Dear All,

The following was passed onto us by PC Prior from the Heathrow Villages Safer Neighbourhoods Team.

 Dear Neighbour

Invitation to Join Neighbourhood Watch

I would like to inform you that I am currently looking to initiate a Neighbourhood Watch in the area.

Neighbourhood Watch is a community activity in partnership with the police and associated agencies. It is a useful deterrent to reduce crime and the fear of crime.

It’s your property, your community – help to make it more secure

At its most basic level, Neighbourhood Watch consists of a group of like-minded neighbours getting together to help reduce crime where they live and making their communities safer. It promotes community cohesion, improves awareness of crime prevention creating clear lines of communication to and from the police. It may also give you the opportunity to claim a discount on your household contents insurance premiums.

You can make a difference

If you are interested in being part of the Neighbourhood Watch organisation, by joining your local watch then, please contact us by phone or email.

PCSO Prior 7160XH

Heathrow Villages Safer Neighbourhoods team
020 8721 2557 heathrowvillages.snt@met.police.uk